Thursday, March 25, 2010

I feel so honored for receiving facebook spam mail !

Yippee !!

I read about this virus / spam mail being going around, a week back and now I'm honored that I see it in my spam mail, after all we should be special to receive it.

more info :

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

what's with the blog picture !

Tribute to Netscape browser, which lead us all here. Let the browser rest in peace for now and reincarnate in the form of goOgle Wave hopefully.

What this blog is about ?

I would like to share cool links and information related to technology advancements in this blog. Yea its launched by me today ;) did i use the word 'launch' ? seems so ! After reading and watching 'launches' can't resist to use it.....

I hope everyone LoveS it 안녕 히가세요

epiphany !? O_o

I came across this video in youTube few months ago, when I was back in India (as I'm now in Toronto) and I loved it, it has grown very popular in just these past few months. No wonder new ideas spread fast, probably through the concept of word of mouth ! or should I say word of Internet ? As I feel there are people who might not be knowing about this and would like to have a glance of it themselves, I am sharing it here ......

epiphany - an illuminating discovery

pronounced as [i-pif-uh-nee]

new way to communicate ?

new way to advertise ?

epipheos ?

My dictionary (word web) says that an epiphany (noun) (read as e'pifunee) is a divine manifestation or a moment of sudden understanding or revelation....


please comment on what you think